• Monday After School Art Club (3rd-5th Grade) (Starts Sept 9th)

    Start the week off with art! Connect and cultivate your creativity with like-minded friends!  Our goal is to create a holistic community of engaged student artists. Be prepared to learn from a licensed Visual Arts Instructor. We will explore a variety of mediums and learn about artists from around the world in a structured after-school environment that is free from the confines of grading in art!

  • Tuesday After School Art Club (6th-8th Grade) (Starts Sept 3rd)

    Meet new friends with similar interests as you explore a variety of  Visual Arts mediums and materials in a small setting. After school art club is meant support creative development as well as technical artistic skills with in person instruction by artists. Our Minneapolis based after school art classes are every week, but parents will be charged monthly on a recurring basis.

  • Wednesday After School Art Club (3rd-5th Grade) (Starts Sept 4th)

    Wacky Wednesday! Wednesday is a great day to make art after school and break up the week. Connect with older elementary artists and meet new friends! After school art club is meant to help kids their creativity as well as technical artistic skills with in person instruction by artists. Ms. Norton is a licensed Visual Arts Educator who brings passion & creativity to this new after school club. Our Minneapolis based children's after school art classes are every week, but parents will be charged monthly on a recurring basis. 

  • Thursday After School Art Club (6th-8th Grade) (Starts Sept 5th)

    Thursdays are for art! After school art club is meant to support creative and artistic skill development with in person instruction by artists. Ms. Norton is a licensed Visual Arts educator who is passionate about supporting student artists to creatively explore their interests without the confines of grades. Our Minneapolis based after school art classes are every week, but parents will be charged monthly on a recurring basis. 


Have a question about an art club? Please feel free to reach out: